| | | |
| 3.8 Jaguar E-Type | | Dark Blue |
| Fixed Head Coupe | | Black |
| Right Hand Drive | | |
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| 861012 | | |
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| 1962 | | Carmen Red |
| 2022 | | Black |
| Rest: Nice | | |
| Original | | London |
| | | |
| 5 Speed | | ![United Kingdom](/_g/flag_c/gb.gif) | United Kingdom |
| | |
Record Creation: Entered on 5 May 2004.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2022-02-11 07:28:30 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Notes From Heritage Record was changed from Registered: 21 EWA to Registered: 21 EWATitle Year was changed from 1963 to 1962Car Condition was changed from Unknown to Rest: ConcoursReplacement Gearbox was changed from Original to 5 speedCurrent Interior was added: blackCurrent City was added: LondonCurrent Country was added: United KingdomLast Seen was changed from 1986 to 2022Registration numbers (raw data): was added: 21EWA|Registration number location (raw data): was added: United Kingdom|2022-09-17 15:08:21 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Factory Paint Color was added: Dark blueFactory Interior Color was added: BlackCar Condition was changed from Rest: Concours to Rest: NiceReplacement Engine was added: originalCurrent Color was changed from bright red to Carmen redHeritage Notes
Registered: 21 EWA
Owner: Danny
![](/_g/lube.jpg) | (email) Updated October 3rd, 2022. Not legal proof of ownership. |
Photos of 861012
Click slide for larger image. This car has 3 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)
Exterior Photos (1)
Uploaded July 2022:
2022-07-15![Photo--click to zoom](http://media.collectordata.com/202207/_t_xkTjYe.jpg)
Details Photos: Exterior (1)
Uploaded July 2022:
2022-07-15![Photo--click to zoom](http://media.collectordata.com/202207/_t_xkhZtd.jpg)
Detail Photos: Engine (1)
Uploaded July 2022:
2022-07-15![Photo--click to zoom](http://media.collectordata.com/202207/_t_xkSGns.jpg)
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2004-05-05 13:28:05 | Herman Stöver writes:
According to the "International Jaguar E-Type Register / Directory of Vehicles and Owners, 1986 edition" of the Jaguar Drivers Club, UK registrationnr. was (1986) 21 EWA